Do adult and young Barn owls have different nutritional requirements?
Presumably yes?
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Why is this interesting?
This could be used to gain a better understanding of Barn Owls’ dependence on other species from an ecological point of view and would therefore be relevant when considering habitat destruction and conservation.
Important consideration for reintroduction attempts
Reintroduction attempts have previously been opposed by leading conservationists on the following grounds:
Released individuals likely to starve and die
Released individuals may introduce disease or compete with existing wild population
Captive birds may not integrate well with wild birds
No resulting population increase
Genetic consequences
There was a DEFRA consultation paper on this in 2001
Decline of Barn Owls in Britain in the century due to (according to Barn Owl Release in Lowland Southern England- A twenty-one year study by Meek, et. al):
Loss of field vole habitat
Agriculture intensification and town expansion
Loss of nest sites
Barn conversions and Dutch Elm Disease;
Severe winters
Disappearance of the corn rick (winter home of owls prey species) since the increased use of the combine harvester